
Spring has sprung!

SIX Preventive strategies for the next three months designed to keep you out of urgent cares and ER’s
As the planting season approaches, our outdoor activity level will explode! Let’s make sure we “look before we leap” into Spring, so as to reduce the risk of both injuries and illnesses. Here’s a list of what to watch out for based on our experience treating patients at Village Health Urgent and Family Care over the last 17 Springs…
- Allergies are back. The tree pollens and molds are the first to arrive. Combine them with increased outdoor activity and you have an increased chance of the runny nose, sneezing and itchy water eyes of seasonal allergies. Some will even lead to a bacterial sinus infection a few days later. One measure you can take to reduce this risk is to plan your outdoor activities for later in the day as these pollen particles are more prevalent in the morning hours. Also, wear a hat and long sleeves to keep the pollen off your face/brows and arms. When you come inside remove the hat and shirt and wash your face and hands to remove pollen particles and reduce your symptoms.
- Motorcycles are not on drivers’ radar! This time of year makes for the highest rates of motorcycle accidents in the first two months of Spring. Historically, in the majority of car/truck versus motorcycle accidents, the car or truck is found to be at fault. This is because they fail to see the smaller vehicle. This “blindspot” is much worse in Spring since motorists have not seen motorcyclists for the last 4-5 months, so they aren’t thinking of them! This lack of “situational awareness” about the return of motorcycles in Spring can be remedied by timely reminders. (Maybe we need public service announcements in the last few weeks of March?)
- Bicycles on the roads suffer the same problem. Lack of driver awareness. Also, texting drivers pose an additional safety hazard. Avid cyclists wanting to get a jump on Spring should consider finding a paved bike trail instead of driving on the road, especially in the Springtime.
- Out of shape muscles are prone to pulls and strains. As we come out of the brutal Michigan Winter, the less-regular gym-goers tend to be (what’s a polite way of saying it?) “in need of muscle toning”. Those who race outside and overdo it on that first 70-degree day in late March, may find themselves writhing around the next day with a low back or hamstring strain that lays them up for a week. At the very least, it’s a good idea to try some light stretches prior to lunging into any pre-Spring gardening, running, garage rearranging or golf. Better still, hit the gym and workout in a controlled environment for 2-3 weeks before hitting the woods and trails.
- Bee stings and insect bites. Bumble bees, yellow jackets, wasps and hornets will soon be out pollenating the first flowers to arrive. If you suffer from life-threatening anaphylaxis reactions, be sure you have an unexpired Epi-pen (Adrenaline) injectable kit available — one for your car and one for your home. Also be sure those in your home are aware of your condition and know how to use an Epi-pen and where it can be found in an emergency.
- Leaves of three, let them be! Accidental exposure to certain plants will soon be causing that all-to-familiar form of contact dermatitis known as Poison Ivy, Oak and Sumac. Though it is relatively harmless, it is not fun to deal with for the typical 3-4 weeks of itching, scratching and sometimes bleeding red, sandpapery bumps. If you are one of the estimated 70% of the population that is allergic to poison ivy, avoidance of all forms of weeds on exposed skin surfaces is recommended over trying to spot the three-leaved ivy. Especially if you are likely to be working or playing away from a good water source. That’s because once you touch the weed, you have no more than 5-10 minutes to wash off the oils with copious water and light soap or detergent. If you are away from home, camping for example, carry a spray bottle filled with water and add a few drops of dish soap concentrate, which you can spray on immediately after contact with the dreaded “leaves of three”.
Sadly, not all preventive measures are successful. If not, and the symptoms are not going away, come on into Village Health Urgent and Family Care Monday thru Friday from 8a-8p or Saturday from 8a-2p and our board-certified Emergency Physicians will evaluate and treat whatever Spring-related, or other problem you might have. Call us at 586-752-7256 or just swing by and see us at 12150 30 Mile Rd., Washington, MI 48095.